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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 21
This content is part of a series.

Spiritual Nail Holes (40 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 21

If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, if you will, be finding your place once again at the first book in your Bible, the book of Genesis. We've been in a series of studies here for well over a year, I believe now, in this beginning book of the Bible that we've entitled the book of beginnings. And tonight, we have made our way down to Genesis chapter 21, somewhere around verse number eight. And tonight, what I want to do is I want to talk to you for just a few minutes about nail holes and the consequences of our sin.

There's a story told years ago, as you're finding your place there at Genesis 21, about a father who wanted to teach his son about the repercussions of sin, the consequences of sin. So he took his boy out to the garage and he put a two by four there, and he handed his boy a hammer and a handful of nails. He told his boy to take those nails and to drive them into that two by four. The boy just had a tremendous time, and for the next 30 or so minutes, he took those nails and drove them in there. He only hit his thumb with a hammer two or three times, but he was hammering those nails in there. So, when he got done with hammering the nails into the two by four, he said, ''Daddy, I'm done.'' The Dad said, ''All right. Now take the hammer and pull the nails out.'' And so he spent the next 15, 20 minutes with that claw hammer pulling the nails out of that board. And then the daddy looked at him and said, ''All right. Now pull the holes out.'' I want you to understand tonight that our God forgives fully and freely. Can I get an amen?

When you go to God and you say, ''God, I am sorry. I repent,'' then God right there on the spot forgives you. He separates your sin as far as the east is from the west. He buries it in the sea of His forgiveness. When you go to God and you truly, really repent, God forgives you. But I need you to understand here tonight, ...

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