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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 21
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God Keeps His Promise (39 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 21

Tonight, what I want to do is I just want to share with you a very simple message. I pray that it's short. It may not be as short as we all want it to be tonight, but I want to share with you a very simple message that honestly we want to entitle, ''God keeps his promise.'' Genesis 21, beginning in verse number one. As you're finding your place there, I heard about a guy who died, and as he died, he gave his three best friend's, a lawyer, a doctor, and a pastor, each one there now, an envelope containing $25,000 that he instructed them that they should place in his coffin there at his funeral. Well, a week later, the man died and the friends each, as they walk by the coffin, they placed an envelope into it.

Several months later, the pastor is overwhelmed with guilt. He looked at his buddies and he said, ''I have a confession to make.'' He said, ''That envelope that I put in that coffin only had $10,000 in it. I sent the rest of it to missionaries in South America.'' Well, that got the ball rolling and so the doctor confessed. He said, ''Well, to be honest with you, I only put $8,000 in the envelope that I stuck in the coffin. I gave the rest of it to a medical charity.'' About this time, the lawyer just gets really upset. He said, ''What, you mean I'm the only man who kept my promise and I did what I was told to do by a dying friend? I want you to know that the envelope that I put in that coffin contained my own personal check for the entire $25,000.''

Well, we live in a world where broken promises are absolutely so common that today we're actually surprised if somebody just tells the truth and keeps their word. Can I get an amen tonight? That's the world that we live in today. That's why courtrooms are absolutely packed with people who are suing each other over broken contracts. It's a rare person who actually keeps his or her word, especially when there's no writte ...

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