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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12-18
This content is part of a series.

A Father's Disappointment and a Disappointing Father (2)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 2:12-36

A seminary couple was excited to have the opportunity to meet a nationally known preacher at the airport who would be speaking at a series of meetings at their church, take him to supper and drive him to his hotel and help him get settled. When the time came to greet the preacher, have supper and drive him to his hotel, they took their three children along. During the course of what was a difficult conversation because of their children's bad behavior, they asked what he would be speaking on that week. He told them that he had not yet decided.

Sunday morning rolled around, and they excitedly readied themselves for church. As the guest preacher began the sermon, he announced the Lord had led him to speak on the topic of parenting. They knew immediately what had prompted this decision. It was the bad behavior of their children and their failure to bring them under control. That morning they knew if he was preaching to anyone, he was preaching to them. (Bob Deffinbaugh)

How embarrassing! Their family had become the inspiration for an entire week of sermons! Well, today, we will read about a family, a father and his two sons, who became the object of God's displeasure and judgement and whose stories are recorded in the Bible for us.

As parents we know there are many things our children will do during the different life stages of their life and ours that will embarrass us, cause us concern or even break our hearts and disappoint us.
-In NC a friend's little boy, 4 or 5, decided to use the bathroom in front a set of bleachers filled with fans at a church league softball game while shouting, ''Look mommy, I'm watering the flowers.''
-We've all had those moments when our children, in public, speak loudly, honestly and without a filter about a person's size, body odor or the size of their nose - much to our embarrassment.
-If you don't have childr ...

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