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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 3
This content is part of a series.

Searching for the Voice of God (3)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 3

We have some really, really good cooks in our faith family. While we have some really good cooks, I'm sure there are a few among us who could use a little more practice before being labeled a top chef. Cooking is something of an art and it takes time to learn your way around a kitchen. It takes practice to become a good cook. Along the way, all of us who enjoy cooking, have made a few blunders in the kitchen, blunders that can't be hidden and are soon discovered by everyone at the table.

If you cook, tell me if this scenario sounds familiar. (I hope it does because if not, I'm going to feel really, really bad). You've looked at your recipe, you've laid out all your ingredients, or at least you think you have, and you start pulling out bowls, spoons, mixers, graters and mashers only to discover that somehow, you're missing one of the recipe's main ingredients. The clock is ticking down to meal-time and you don't have the time nor do you want to go back into town for the grocery store so instead, you open the pantry to see if there is something you can substitute for the missing ingredient. After a few moments you find what you think would be a good alternative or you just decide it's really not that vital to the recipe, so you go to work, mixing, blending, whipping, pouring and baking.

You pull it out of the oven, and it looks good. It smells good. At this point you are beginning to think you are a culinary genius and ready for one of those reality cooking shows on television until the moment of truth comes - the taste test. You cut into it and serve it to the family only to see confused looks, wrinkled brows and a bevy of hands reach for their glasses of sweet tea. One bite and everyone knew something was out of place, something was missing.

As we turn to chapter 3 in 1 Samuel, we find something is out of place. Something is wrong. Something is missing in the life of God' ...

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