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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 4, 1 Samuel5, 1 Samuel 6
This content is part of a series.

Separating Superstition from Faith (4)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 4-6

A new Rabbi was a little nervous heading into his first service at a very old established synagogue. He quickly found himself in a very uncomfortable situation during one particular prayer. Half the congregants stood for the prayer, and half remained seated. The moment become even more uncomfortable and intense when the half that was seated started yelling for those who were standing to be seated and the ones who were standing began yelling at those who were seated to stand up. The new rabbi didn't know what to do.

In an attempt to get to the bottom of this, someone suggested that he consult the oldest member of the synagogue. The rabbi hoped the 98-year-old elderly man would be able to tell him what the actual tradition was, so he went to the nursing home to meet him and seek his advice. The Rabbi explained what happened and asked, ''Is the tradition to stand during this prayer?'' The old man answered, ''No, that's not the tradition.'' ''So,'' the Rabbi replied, ''the tradition is to sit down for the prayer?'' The old man answered, ''No, that's not the tradition.'' At this the Rabbi was thoroughly confused and blurted, ''But all the people do is argue all the time and yell at each other about whether they should sit or stand.'' The old man interrupted, ''THAT is the tradition!'' (Pastor Christian Cheong)

Over time, people can get so lost in the ritual, form and symbols of their faith that they forget what their faith is all about. This happened to the people of Israel. Somewhere along the way, they lost their way. While they managed to hold onto certain forms and symbols, the substance behind these forms and symbols had long been forgotten.

In the chapters we look at today, God will remind them that their faith is not about forms and symbols, but a relationship characterized by worshipful obedience.

We are always in danger, because of our own sinful arrogance ...

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