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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 7
This content is part of a series.

The Road Marked Repentance (5)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 7

It's hard to believe that in less than a month Kristal and I will have been married 23 years. I can still remember the excitement of that day and the sweltering and humid South Georgia heat in August. For our honeymoon we went to the Tennessee mountains. When we arrived, we stopped by the rental office to pick up the keys to our honeymoon chalet (code for really small rustic cabin), got directions, and quickly discovered that finding our chalet (code for really small cabin) was not going to be as easy as we thought. This was before smartphones and GPSs so the only navigating system we had amounted to not much more than a hand drawn map the rental agency provided.

They told us that the cabin was on a little dirt path off one of the paved roads and that we'd have to look carefully for it. Those mountain backroads with all their little pig trails and paths were not easy to figure out but we followed our not so detailed map closely, making every turn indicated. After we hit the paved road to our cabin, we took the first dirt path we saw and found ourselves staring at a very narrow, very muddy and steep incline. Our little Honda Accord struggled to get up that dirt path. We even found ourselves sliding downhill a couple of times. I gave it all the gas I could praying we wouldn't fishtail over the edge. We shot up the remaining part of the hill turned the wooded corner at the tope expecting to see our honeymoon palace (really small rustic cabin) and instead of a palace we saw row after row of corn.

We had lost our way. After a long journey we were not where we wanted to be.

As we move into 1 Samuel 7, we find a nation that had lost its way and found themselves where they did not want to be, where they did not need to be.

The difference between Israel and our honeymoon adventure was that they were not sincerely trying to follow the directions that had been given to them. Before ...

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