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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25

Wedding Ceremony
Scott Maze
Genesis 2:18-25

The Processional

The Welcome

Dear family and friends, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and in the presence of this company to witness the union of Jake (groom) and Sara (bride) in Christian marriage. Marriage is a holy relationship given by God to fulfill us both as individuals and as a couple, but also to conform us into the image of Christ. Jake (groom) and Sara (bride), may our heavenly Father look down upon this event with His favor. May the Lord Jesus Christ be present and add His blessing. May the Holy Spirit seal these vows in love.

Giving in Marriage

In God's most amazing act of creation, He created beings in His own image. They not only were made to reflect His image, but they were made in His image. We read of this astonishing event in the first chapter of Genesis: ''So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them'' (Genesis 1:27). It is into this holy estate that Jake (groom) and Sara (bride), have chosen to enter. Not knowing any just reason that these two should not be married, I ask, ''Who gives this woman to be married to this man?'' Father responds: ''Her mother and I do.''


Heavenly Father, we worship you and praise you for you are great in every way. We want your will to be done in the lives of Jake (groom) and Sara (bride). We are so grateful to you for giving this moment with family to celebrate the gift of marriage and family. I pray you bless this young couple and their union. I pray you equip Jake (groom) to be a powerful spiritual leader in the days to come. Make him a blessing to his wife where he leads her to you continually. I pray you bless Sara (bride) with joy of loving and serving her husband all of her days. Give them great faith in your Son, Jesus Christ, and His cross and make them pillars of faith for their family and community. Give them harmony and compassion both in their home and ...

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