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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34
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Anxiety (2 of 4)
Series: What Does the Bible Say
Josh Malone
Matthew 6:25-34

This topic is addressed throughout the Bible. The Bible doesn't have a little but A LOT to say about this. - In fact something closely related to worry/anxiety is fear. They are like brothers and sisters. The most common command in the Bible is ''Fear not.'' - Anxiety/Worry is such a common sin that Jesus, Paul, and Peter all three addressed it directly in the NT.

Listen, this is a COMMON SIN, a COMMON STRUGGLE. That does not mean we shouldn't take it seriously. No, because we can't be filled with worry and faith. Make war.

Anxiety will weigh you down and keep you from living as God intends.

Prov. 12:25- Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

One site this week said they estimate 40 million American adults, roughly 18.1% of the adult population struggle with an anxiety disorder. This is a BIG PROBLEM.

Some people have problems with anxiety that go beyond the typical spiritual struggle people face. I'm dealing with the spiritual. I get there can be more at work, we have bodies and souls. There is no shame in getting medical help if you need medical help. I'm going to be addressing this from a spiritual perspective. I'm not a doctor. I'm a pastor.

Here's the thing... our culture is so inundated with technology, medicine, all kinds of common grace marvels... sometimes we speed past the spiritual issues. All of us must deal with the spiritual issue of anxiety, worry, and their cousin fear.

Some of you are WEIGHED down by anxiety and worry this morning. You are carrying burdens you are not designed to carry.- I heard a guy say this this week say WORRY originally meant to strangle. I googled it. He was right!- That's what worry, anxiety does... it strangles you. It chokes the joy out of life, out of parenting, out of marriage, out of work. It weight you down.

There is a type of anxiety that will prevent you from letting th ...

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