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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Psalm 128
This content is part of a series.

The Blessed Man (4 of 4)
Series: What Does the Bible Say
Josh Malone
Psalm 128

Dads are important. - I read online recently that children without a father are ...

4X Greater risk of poverty, Girls without a dad are 7X more likely to become pregnant as a teen. More likely to go to prison, to commit a crime. 2X more likely to drop out of HS.

Let me be clear... God's grace and power are greater than stats. God can work in a home where dad is absent, He is bigger than stats. - At the same time we know God's ideal is for Mom and Dad to be there, to be present and active.

Let me say this... MEN are important in our society. God has given responsibility to men to lead out in the church and in the home. - A land without godly men is in trouble and a church without godly men is in trouble. We need spiritual fathers/brothers to lead in the home, church, and society.

Many men are pursuing HAPPINESS at work, at home, in life... but not pursuing God. In the end they will find themselves unhappy for eternity. Pastor Josh Howerton has said, ''People aren't so much on a truth quest as they are a happiness quest.'' - I think that's true! Many deny the truth because they fear that it will interrupt their happiness!

The happiness of this world is here today and gone tomorrow. - We need a happiness that is not rooted in our success at work, our income, our health ... any of those things can be gone in a flash. - We need an ETERNAL HAPPINESS.

Today, I want to talk to you about the BLESSED MAN and what I'm going to call the areas of cultivation in his life. The areas he needs to be and will be concerned with.

Psalm 128 is wisdom Psalm that reveals to us some general principles about manhood, being a husband, a father... it reveals somethings about the blessing of God, it reveals to us THE BLESSED MAN.

Ps. 128:1-6- 1 Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, - who walks in his ways!

2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;

you shal ...

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