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by SermonSearch Staff

Scripture: Luke 18:9-14, Isaiah 6:1-9

Look to Christ [i.e. STOP Comparing Yourself with Others]
SermonSearch Staff
Luke 18:9-14; Isaiah 6:1-9

Good morning! If you can turn with me to Luke 18:9-14

1. There is an epidemic in our society today. It is an epidemic that affects us all. It affects our thoughts, our words, our actions, our affects all of who we are. It’s the epidemic of comparing ourselves to others.

2. I really think all of us deal with this issue. And it can go in so many ways. We can look at people that are better than us and wonder why we are not as good as they are. Why do they have a better job? A better home? A better car? Why are they always happy? Why do their children always listen to them? Why are their family photos always perfect???

3. This type of thinking can often play out when scrolling through social media. The pictures of families take on this beautiful, modelesque appearance where everything is perfect and a hair is never out of place. We’ve all seen them right? How about holiday pictures? We always see the families that take the perfect photos together and have the perfect card. And then we see ours!

4. So we see these perfect pictures, and then we think we should be able to do that. We get our family together. We all decide to where no shoes, blue jeans, and a white polo. Everyone is looking great. Then little Johnny decides to go jump in the puddle…

5. This facebook, instagram life is not reality. It is not reality. A perfect life is not reality. We all know this deep down, but we don’t like to admit it. Reality is that everyone is broken. Reality is that everyone experiences pain and difficulty. Reality is that every child is not always obedient. And we know this. But for some reason, when we flip on social media, reality goes flying out the window. And common sense is not too far behind.

6. Comparison can then go the opposite way as well. We can look at people who are worse off than us, people who are struggling m ...

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