Disciples Pray (4 of 6)
Series: Disciple: Be One. Make More.
Bob Ingle
Matthew 6:5-13
Open your bibles to Matthew 6. We've been in a sermon series looking at different actions and attitudes that are proofs of true discipleship. Jesus said not everyone who claims to be following Him actually is. He said, ''You'll know My people by their fruit.'' Spiritual fruit is the essential evidence of an authentic faith. You can know the root of my life that you can't see is planted firmly in Christ because of the spiritual fruit you can see clearly growing and multiplying in my everyday life.
Today, we're going to look at another fruit or attribute of a true follower of Jesus. Disciples Pray. You say, 'Well, that's not very clear because everybody prays.' Here's the catch. True Disciples of Jesus don't pray any way they choose. They don't pray their own way. They've learned to pray God's way taught by God's Son revealed in God's Word. In our text today, Jesus says there is praying done by people that is neither heard nor heeded by God. The point of prayer is the ear of God. If you're praying, but God isn't listening, it's a complete waste of time. It's possible to pray all day but pray all wrong.
Several years ago, Gallup poll did a survey and found that more 90% of Americans pray routinely, but less than 15% of those people felt like God was listening or answering. I believe the main problem isn't the amount of prayer, but the approach of prayer. God gladly answers those who approach Him correctly. Prayer is a gift that comes with guidelines. If you refuse to pray God's way, you won't receive God's answer. If you want your prayers heard by God, you must follow His guidelines for prayer. What are those? We get some insight from Jesus in Matt 6:5-13 READ.
Notice Jesus didn't say 'if' you pray, He says 'WHEN you pray'. For Christ followers, prayer isn't optional; it's essential. But Jesus clearly wants His disciples to understand not all prayer is created equal ...
Series: Disciple: Be One. Make More.
Bob Ingle
Matthew 6:5-13
Open your bibles to Matthew 6. We've been in a sermon series looking at different actions and attitudes that are proofs of true discipleship. Jesus said not everyone who claims to be following Him actually is. He said, ''You'll know My people by their fruit.'' Spiritual fruit is the essential evidence of an authentic faith. You can know the root of my life that you can't see is planted firmly in Christ because of the spiritual fruit you can see clearly growing and multiplying in my everyday life.
Today, we're going to look at another fruit or attribute of a true follower of Jesus. Disciples Pray. You say, 'Well, that's not very clear because everybody prays.' Here's the catch. True Disciples of Jesus don't pray any way they choose. They don't pray their own way. They've learned to pray God's way taught by God's Son revealed in God's Word. In our text today, Jesus says there is praying done by people that is neither heard nor heeded by God. The point of prayer is the ear of God. If you're praying, but God isn't listening, it's a complete waste of time. It's possible to pray all day but pray all wrong.
Several years ago, Gallup poll did a survey and found that more 90% of Americans pray routinely, but less than 15% of those people felt like God was listening or answering. I believe the main problem isn't the amount of prayer, but the approach of prayer. God gladly answers those who approach Him correctly. Prayer is a gift that comes with guidelines. If you refuse to pray God's way, you won't receive God's answer. If you want your prayers heard by God, you must follow His guidelines for prayer. What are those? We get some insight from Jesus in Matt 6:5-13 READ.
Notice Jesus didn't say 'if' you pray, He says 'WHEN you pray'. For Christ followers, prayer isn't optional; it's essential. But Jesus clearly wants His disciples to understand not all prayer is created equal ...
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