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by Tony Thomas

Scripture: Psalms 103:13-14
This content is part of a series.

Raise Your Family, Not Your Blood Pressure (4 of 5)
Series: Family 2.0 (It's Time for an Update)
Tony Thomas
Psalms 103:13-14

Peter Hiett is the pastor of the Sanctuary Church in Denver, Colorado. He's a board member of MOPS, he's married and the father of four children, he's authored three books, and he wrote about an experience he had with his kids when they were younger.

''Last year (while my wife was preparing the taxes), I took our three preschoolers to McDonald's. When we arrived, there were two birthday parties in full swing at the base of the gigantic, three-story, intestine-like tube structure. We ate our happy meals, the children played, and it was a zoo! I tried to relax, when all of a sudden, it happened.

''My 4-year-old daughter came flying out of the green tube and informed me that my 2-year-old daughter, who had just graduated from diapers, may have graduated a few weeks too soon. She pointed to solid evidence on her shoe, as my olfactory nerves began sensing ancillary evidence in the atmosphere.

''I said, 'Where's Becky?' Elizabeth said, 'Somewhere up there,' pointing to the maze of tubes. I looked at the tubes, then at the bewildered parties, and then at the teenage McDonald's employee -- and panicked!

''Scrambling up the red tube, I found my daughter in a little chamber, being counseled by older children. It didn't look that bad. Then I noticed the evidence in the green tube; BECKY HAD BEEN TRAVELING! In an instant, I understood. They had all been traveling, hordes of children. The tube structure was being lubricated like parts in a well-oiled piston engine.

''I grabbed Becky, put her on my stomach, and we slid down the red slide into the middle of one of the birthday parties. After a partial clean-up job in the bathroom, I rounded up my other two children, while listening to their complaints about not being able to find their Happy Meals and that the whole playground smelled.

''In desperation I said to the playground mo ...

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