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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 19
This content is part of a series.

The Day it Rained Fire, Part 6 (37 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 19

Please take your bibles if you have them with you now this evening and be finding a place once again in Genesis chapter 19. We've been in a series of studies through this beginning book of the Old Testament that we've entitled the Book of Beginnings, Creation, Fall, Flood and Covenant. And then back at the beginning of the summer, we began a study through Genesis 19 looking at the day that it rained fire. I have here in my notes that this is about the eighth time that we've been in this study. Ryan says somewhere around six, so six or seven or eight times we've been here in Genesis, chapter 19.

Basically what happened was we got just a little bit bogged down and that happens from time to time, because one thing, the way the Lord made me is that I want to get all that I can out of every word, every verse, every chapter, every book in the Bible as we study and go through it. Years ago, how many of y'all remember, they used to have these things called an orange straw? Do y'all remember the orange straws? My nanny had one of them. And it was a little plastic thing and you would take that orange straw and you would stick it into an orange and you squeeze the juice out of it. And then when you got to where you couldn't get any more you'd take that orange and you'd roll it on the table and get some orange juice out of it. Then you'd squeeze some more and somewhere in that rolling it on the table it would break open in front of you. You ever have one of those orange straws? You ever seen one of those? Yeah.

So that's kind of what we've been doing here over the last several, several months at this point. Going through Genesis, chapter 19. Again, I was talking to my major professor this past week, Dr. David Allen. He's the dean of the new school of preaching out at Southwestern Seminary. And I told him that we'd been in this chapter for going on eight weeks and he sa ...

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