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by Brad Whitt

This content is part of a series.

The Day it Rained Fire, Part 3 (34 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 19

If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, again be finding a place at Genesis, chapter 19. We're in a series of studies through this beginning book, the first book in your Bible, that we've appropriately called the book of beginnings. We're talking about creation, fall, flood and covenant. Tonight, we come to Genesis 19, and verse number four. Don't worry, we're not going to get all the way through verse number 11. We're going to get about halfway through. That is seeming to be our habit, our normal operating procedure walking through this chapter. We're in about the third part of a study that I called, a couple weeks ago, the day it rained fire. What an appropriate title for Genesis, chapter 19.

Let me set the stage for tonight's message. When Lot left Abraham and pointed his tents towards Sodom, the Bible says way back in Genesis 13, verse 13, ''But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord.'' So as you come to Genesis 19, you have this chapter here and it presents us with a powerful pointed illustration of just how wicked and evil and perverse that ancient city really was. Genesis 19 tells us that Sodom was consumed with the grossly wicked practice of homosexuality. Now to be sure, they were guilty of all sorts and kinds and natures of other sins, too. But the one primary overwhelming sin that they had given themselves over to was the sin of homosexuality.

So the verses that we will be studying again this week and next week and really maybe in the foreseeable next several weeks really detail for us and they describe for us a sin that is so shocking and so sinful that it really turns your stomach. What you're going to read tonight is how the homosexuals of Sodom encircled the home of Lot. They demanded that he bring out his two guests so that they could be used and really abused by the men of Sodom in an attempt to sati ...

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