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by Michael White

Scripture: Romans 15:14-33
This content is part of a series.

Rescuing Ambition (19 of 19)
Series: Romans
Michael White
Romans 15:14-33

Romans is a book with a lot of awesome deep theology- and if you've been with us for this past year, in these first 15 chapters we've learned a lot.

but now at the end of chapter 15- he speaks more personally to the roman believers and tells them of his travel plans.


What is your greatest ambition? What drives you and compels you to do things that you do?

Think about that for a moment- when everything else is stripped away what is the thing you want to do most in life?

For some it's
... to get married and have kids
... to have a fulfilling career and financial security
.... to fix problems in the world.

Those are noble ambitions.

A french filmmaker from the 60's when asked this question, removed the cigarette from his mouth he said ''To become immortal and then die!''

A really clever way of saying- I want to have a lasting impact where people remember me! I want to be distinct! ??We all have a natural desire to be remembered- to leave our mark.

So what is your greatest ambition?

Is it something that occupies the interest of God?
?Does it have eternal value and meaning?

We're on the 3rd to last sermon (39th message) on the Apostle Paul's magnum opus, the epistle of romans, Which is an incredible survey of God's truth about the Gospel-

When we were dead in our sin and headed for destruction- God sent Jesus into this world to be the ultimate sacrificial lamb- to take the wrath of God and pay for our sins on the cross.
?And we are justified- declared righteous- not on the basis of anything we have done- but by faith because of God's love.

In chapter 8 of Romans this love is celebrated- nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. He frees us from condemnation and holds us in his love.

As he continues in chapter 12 and following- he speaks of how this love transforms us- because he has loved us we love him- and we give ...

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