by Josh Malone
The Creator and His Creation (1 of 10)
Series: In the Beginning- A Study in Genesis
Josh Malone
Genesis 1
Where did we come from? Why are we here? These are questions that everyone asks. Life begs us to be curious. We ask questions, we explore and invariably at some point we want to know what life is all about and where it started. - Kids want to know... ''Where do babies come from?'' Everything about us wants to trace our origins. We've got questions and we want answers. And many times we are unsatisfied with the answers people give in terms of where things come from and the beginning of time.
Illus.- Elementary Field Trip- I asked something about how dinosaurs fit into the Bible. The young guy leading the tour told me basically science and the Bible don't mix well. - I was unsatisfied and confused.
The truth is true science and true Bible interpretation are never at odds. We will not get to Heaven one day and find out God isn't good at science. God makes science possible.
As we dive into Genesis we must be careful that we don't miss the forest for the trees. Dinosaurs they have their place. But Genesis is not primarily a science book. It's the story of how we came to be and how God's people came to be.
Moses is the author. He is the man who God used to lead Israel out of Egypt and towards the Promise Land, they had been slaves for 400 years. As Moses recorded God's Word for them and us in the first 5 books of the Bible, he starts with Genesis, it means origins, he ends the book with how they got to Egypt in the first place, then if you back through it, in chapter 12 you see how they came to be God's people, and the first 11 chapters explain how creation, people, sin, etc. came to be in the first place. Our focus is going to be on the first 11 chapters the next several weeks.
Genesis 1:1-2- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. [2] The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the S ...
Series: In the Beginning- A Study in Genesis
Josh Malone
Genesis 1
Where did we come from? Why are we here? These are questions that everyone asks. Life begs us to be curious. We ask questions, we explore and invariably at some point we want to know what life is all about and where it started. - Kids want to know... ''Where do babies come from?'' Everything about us wants to trace our origins. We've got questions and we want answers. And many times we are unsatisfied with the answers people give in terms of where things come from and the beginning of time.
Illus.- Elementary Field Trip- I asked something about how dinosaurs fit into the Bible. The young guy leading the tour told me basically science and the Bible don't mix well. - I was unsatisfied and confused.
The truth is true science and true Bible interpretation are never at odds. We will not get to Heaven one day and find out God isn't good at science. God makes science possible.
As we dive into Genesis we must be careful that we don't miss the forest for the trees. Dinosaurs they have their place. But Genesis is not primarily a science book. It's the story of how we came to be and how God's people came to be.
Moses is the author. He is the man who God used to lead Israel out of Egypt and towards the Promise Land, they had been slaves for 400 years. As Moses recorded God's Word for them and us in the first 5 books of the Bible, he starts with Genesis, it means origins, he ends the book with how they got to Egypt in the first place, then if you back through it, in chapter 12 you see how they came to be God's people, and the first 11 chapters explain how creation, people, sin, etc. came to be in the first place. Our focus is going to be on the first 11 chapters the next several weeks.
Genesis 1:1-2- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. [2] The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the S ...
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