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by Michael White

Scripture: Exodus 20:17
This content is part of a series.

Do Not Covet (3 of 3)
Series: 10 Commandments
Michael White
Exodus 20:17

Turn to exodus 20:17. This is the last of our ten commandments and next week we'll begin a short advent series called all glory be to Christ.

I've enjoyed this series quite a bit- we've gotten so much positive feedback from you- i almost wish there were some more commandments- but I'm having a hard enough time trying and failing to obey the ten- so ten is good for me.

17 ''You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.''


When his wife walked into the room- seeing him so sullen as he was pouting on his bed, wondering as to why he hadn't come down to dinner, she asked him what was the matter?

He says I was involved in a business deal today that went terribly- and I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone or even eat- so just go away

But the wife says what happened?

And this man who already was heavily involved in real estate- tells this sob story

''You know that property on the left side of ours? You know how much I'd love to have it and I finally built up the courage to talk to the neighbor and make an offer on it- in fact i made him a very generous offer, even more than it's worth on zillow- and refused- so I'm just mad and upset!

SO the wife looks at him and says'' stop being such a baby, get up and eat! I'll figure out a way to get that property for you. ''

So she arranges to have a special function at the country club and invites a whole bunch of people and here's the neighbor who wouldn't sell his land-

And she bribes two worthless thugs from the neighborhood to slander the neighbor and accuse him publicly-

The whole crowd believes the accusations and gets so aggravated he not only loses his reputation. He loses his life. ??And so the wife goes to the husband and says- never say I don't do anything ...

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