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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Matthew 13:1-8, Matthew 13:18-23
This content is part of a series.

Can You See What I Hear? (1 of 3)
Series: Digger Deeper
Scott Maze
Matthew 13:1-8; 18-23

Everyone loves a story. Stories are remarkably powerful things. They stir-up our imaginations and excite our affections. They instruct us and inspire us. They intoxicate and influence us. They linger with us, often becoming more precious and poignant and powerful over time.

During His earthly teaching ministry, the Lord Jesus, who was the master teacher and preacher, often used stories and illustrations as He instructed the crowds of people who flocked to hear Him. Many refer to these types of stories as ''parables.'' There are about fifty different parables of Christ recorded in the Gospels. In fact, about one-third of all of Jesus' recorded sayings are parables.

Just as marriage is not merely a slip of paper and a big ceremony, the Christian faith is not merely a one-time confession of Christ accompanied by occasional church attendance. Throughout the River Valley, multitudes of people claim various religious experiences. Some have had a religious experience as a young child... others have seen visions and heard voices... and still others give only mental assent to the Bible's doctrines. So many people claim to have genuine experiences that make them a ''Christian'' [use air quotes here.] Yet, many people have religious experiences that FADE over time.

What makes Christianity more ''sticky'' in some? What is the proof that determines if a person truly follows Christ? Or, what makes a Christian a Christian? How can you confidently know if you are a truly follower of Christ?

Today, we continue a sermon series, entitled Digger Deeper. This series is designed to answer, ''What is a true follower of Christ look like?'' It's designed to answer questions just below the surface that affect the surface. Throughout the series, we're digging for bedrock in the words of Jesus Himself. Surely, the founder of Christianity will give us solid answers on what H ...

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