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JUDE 1 - 2

JESUS CHRIST said, "It is enough for a disciple that he be like
his teacher, and a servant like his master..." (Matt. 10:25).
In reality we are. What you are and how you conduct yourself is
a clear revelation as to who is your teacher/master. If your
profession and practice aren't parallel, it is your practice
that is the reliable revelation of your true character.
Life is one grand show and tell time. What you show by your
conduct and what you tell by your speech should be one and the
A juvenile depiction of this comes to mind. We had been missing
some beverages from the church kitchen. They were always those
mixes that children love so much. You know, the orange and
purple kind. One day I met one of my young friends coming from
the kitchen where they were stored. After explaining that some
persons had been dipping into our supply of orange drink, I
asked if he knew anythinga bout it. With a big grin he assured
me he didn't. All the time there was a big orange rainbow on
his upper lip indicating what he had just been drinking.
His profession and practice were not the same.
Jesus said, "This people honor Me with their lips, but their
heart is far from Me" (Mark 7:6).
We profess to be followers of Christ, His servants, but does our
practice confirm our confession? Nominal Christianity is
theworst enemy of the cause of Christ.
For a better understanding of the master-servant relationship,
turn with me to ...

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