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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 17
This content is part of a series.

Growing Deep Roots with God (30 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 17

If you will, be finding your place at Genesis chapter 17. Genesis chapter 17, and if you're a guest tonight, we've been in a series of studies really over the last several months, since back last fall I think, through this initial, beginning book in your Bible. We've entitled this series of studies, you'll see there on the screen, The Book of Beginnings, Creation, Fall, Flood, and Covenant.

Tonight we come to Genesis chapter number 17, and tonight what I want to do is I want to talk to you for a few minutes about deepening your roots with God; going deep, growing deep roots with God. I don't know if you know this or if you feel the same way about this that I do. I love summer. Anybody in here, you love summertime? Can I see your hand? I love the late spring. I love summer. One of the reasons I would never move to Alaska is because there's a whole half of the year where there's only about three hours of daylight. I'm just telling you, that's not of God.

I love it when it starts brightening up. I love it when it starts warming up, and I love what takes place in the summer. When I was growing up I used to work on the farm every summer, and growing up working on the farm, you learn all kinds of things. You really begin to learn about plants and all those sorts of things. What I want to talk to you about in the beginning illustration here tonight, is about corn. I love and I watched; growing up we worked a lot of corn there in West Tennessee. I was telling Josh - Josh is headed out on a mission trip here in a couple of weeks, and headed to Ethiopia with my Dad.

By the way, he's in for an education. I'm just telling you. He really is. He's going to have a great time. He's going to eat all kinds of new novel weird stuff. I mean he's gonna eat stuff that makes stink head look like just great stuff. But I was telling him; ''Look, when you preach over there you ...

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