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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 16
This content is part of a series.

Getting Ahead of God (29 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 16

If you have your Bibles with you now tonight, if you will, be finding your place again at Genesis, chapter 16; Genesis, chapter 16 tonight. We're going to continue in our study through our series of messages through this beginning book in your Bible that we've entitled The Book of Beginnings, Creation, Fall, Flood and Covenant. Tonight what I want to do is, as I mentioned on social media this afternoon, I want to show you what happens when you get ahead of God.

How many of you all know when you get ahead of God, you get out there on a limb by yourself, you cut it off behind you, you get in all kinds of trouble? Can I see your hands? That's what we're going to learn about and read about tonight. If you are in Genesis 16 and you have found your place to verse number one, just say amen.

All right. You all would have won the Bible drill. You would have gotten the piece of candy. How many of you all remember those days? Can I see your hands? I was the candy king. I'm just telling you. It didn't matter what it was, if I was going for a Jolly Rancher, I could find it lickety-split. Amen? Look there in Genesis, chapter 16. As you come to Genesis, chapter 16, what we do is we really get a glimpse here tonight into Abram's home, and as we do, we have recorded for us the first instance of domestic difficulty found in all the pages of your Bible.

Now as you come to Genesis 16 there are three primary characters in this sad, sordid story. There is Abram; that's the wealthy, powerful patriarch. There is Sarai, the aging wife who is yet to have a child, and there is Hagar, the simple maid servant. If there's one lesson that I want us to learn from the life of Abram as we come together tonight, it is this. The people that we read about in the pages of the Bible were real people. We get the idea many times that they were superheroes, Superman and Batman and all those sorts of ...

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