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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 15
This content is part of a series.

God's Friend (28 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 15

If you will, be finding your place once again at Genesis, chapter 15. Tonight we are continuing in our series of studies through this first book in your Bible that we've entitled The Book of Beginnings. What we're looking at here in this study, again, is creation, fall, flood, and covenant. And tonight we're going to be looking at, as I announced this morning, really one of the greatest chapters in all of your Bible. It is a foundational chapter. It is a pivotal chapter. Now it may not seem that way at first, because if you were to try to compare Genesis 15 to Genesis 14, this chapter may seem somewhat boring. There is not all the action that takes place that we found in Genesis 14. There are no deployed armies. There is no despicable kidnapping. There is no daring rescue. There are no swashbuckling ambushes or forced marches, but yet, this is a tremendous, tremendous chapter. The only thing we have recorded for us here in the verses before us tonight is a conversation.

It's a conversation between two intimate friends. So, just being really honest, like watching some of the things on Facebook or some of the other things, sometimes if it was just a conversation between two ordinary average folks, it would be boring, but what you need to remember is the fact that one of these friends involved in this conversation is the almighty God of the universe, the creator of heaven and Earth, amen? The other one is an old man by the name of Abram who doesn't have any children. Let me ask you a question. What makes your friendships different from those folks who you're just friendly with? How many of you, you're on Facebook and you have 15 gazillion friends on Facebook; isn't that a real friend? Amen. But what is the difference between a real friend and those folks that you are just friendly with?
I don't know about you, but there are several things for me that differentiate a friend ...

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