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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: John 3:16
This content is part of a series.

What God's Love Gave and Why (Easter) (3 of 6)
Series: John 3:16
Robert Dawson
John 3: 16

Larry Ross's firm handled media and public relations for Billy Graham's organization for over 20 years. Ross said that Mr. Graham had a way of making positive points for the Gospel in every situation. Through the years Ross arranged a number of media interviews for Dr. Graham. He said, ''Almost always before a TV interview, they do a microphone check, and they ask the interviewee to say something - anything - so than can adjust the audio settings. Often a corporate executive, for that audio check, will count to ten, say their ABC's, or recite what they had for breakfast. Billy would always quote John 3.16. When asked why he did that Mr. Graham responded, ''Because that way, if I am not able to communicate the Gospel clearly during the interview, at least the cameraman will have heard it.''

What a great illustration of a life singularly focused on the Gospel! It is also a reminder of how much truth is encapsulated in that one short, simple but profound verse. It contains the greatest realities in Scripture, God, man, salvation, faith, heaven and hell.

As Max Lucado said, ''If you know nothing of Scripture, start here. If you know all there is to know about Scripture, return here.'' What a great verse for Easter! ''For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.''

It is an amazing thought! That God loves me has to be one the truly great miracles. ''For God so loved the world/me...'' That word loved is a powerful word. For a moment, I want us to pause for a short vocabulary lesson.

The Greek root of that word for love is agape. It is used to refer to God's love. It is special love. It is a unique love that is different from any other kind of love we encounter in our lives.
- It is a love that is underserved and unconditional.
-It is not based in what we have done. It is not b ...

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