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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: John 3:16
This content is part of a series.

The Greatest Invitation (4 of 6)
Series: John 3:16
Robert Dawson
John 3:16

In the 2009 BCS Championship game between the University of Florida and Ohio State, Florida quarterback Tim Tebow wore John 3.16 on his eye-black. Within the next 24 hours John 3.16 became the highest ranked Google search with 90,300,000 searches. (Which is amazing to many of us because we mistakenly think, everyone knows what John 3.16 is. Not so).

In the few seconds it took to read that John 3.16 over 90 million people came face to face with the greatest truth(s) they could ever encounter.
In those few seconds they were exposed to a summary of the entire Bible.
John 3.16 is the Bible in miniature. It is the Gospel in a nutshell.
It expresses the underlying theme of Scripture and its echo can be heard in every story.
It is the watermark on every page of Scripture.

Paul Washer, who is a preacher, missionary and author, writes ''Of all the endeavors to which a man may give himself, there is none greater than to seek to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to search out its infinite glory. God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. It is a glory too deep for our intellect, too wide for our hearts, and beyond the power of any language to describe and yet within so great a mystery we find our salvation.''

I am thoroughly convinced, if people will, as Washer says, ''seek to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to search out its infinite glory,'' it will cause us to make much of God, little of ourselves, shun sin, celebrate grace and desire to make Jesus known.

The richness of the Gospel presented in this verse is enough to fill eternity with wonder and life with meaning. As we have each week in our study, I want us to say this verse together. Let the sound of it fill this room and hopefully its glorious truth will find itself at home in our hearts.

John 3.16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him s ...

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