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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: John 3:16
This content is part of a series.

Two Options: Eternal Perishing or Eternal Life (5 of 6)
Series: John 3:16
Robert Dawson
John 3: 16

How many of you remember those chain emails that were popular early on, or even the original chain letter? You know how it works. Someone sends you a letter that promises something good will happen to you, like getting some money, if you send it to so many of your friends and if you didn't send the letter and broke the chain then something bad would happen to you.

Those things could scare you to death. They made it seem as if your eternal destiny hung in the balance over your response to that message. How ridiculous! But in reality, we have received a message, not from a kooky and superstitious relative or friend but by God Himself, and our response to His message will determine our eternity.

According to John 3.16, our eternity really does hang in the balance and will be determined by what we do with the truth of this verse. Once again let's look John 3.16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting/eternal life.

If you think about it, this verse begins and ends with eternity.
- It begins with God who is without beginning and without end. He is eternal.
- It concludes with a life or existence that has no end. As one pastor put it, ''There was a time when we were not but there will never be a time when we will no longer be.'' We will always exist. When this life is no more, we will still be.

The question before us then is, where will we be? Where will we spend our everlasting and never-ending days? How will we spend our everlasting and never-ending days?

The answer to that question is determined by whether or not we believe in Jesus. Remember, there is more to belief/faith than what first comes to mind. Belief that leads to eternal life is a belief/faith that involves...
- ''Believing that'' Jesus was/is the only Son of God, fully divine yet fully human, w ...

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