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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Revelation 12

The Mother of All Mother's Days
Revelation 12
Steve Jones

INTRO: Today, in honor of Mother's Day I'm teaching a lesson on ''The MOTHER of all Mother's days!'' Obviously, we're using the idiom, ''Mother of all...'' not in a literal sense but in the idiomatic sense of the biggest of all, the greatest of all. What's interesting is that you and I are IN the ''Mother of all Mother's Days'' described in Revelation 12. We are right in the middle of it - as you will see. There are five features described in this birth scenario in Revelation 12 that make it the MOTHER of all Mother's Days. Those five features are:

1) The Mother of all Mothers

2) The Mother of all Sons

3) The Mother of all Villains

4) The Mother of all Battles

5) The Mother of all Victories.

Let's get started.


Rev.12:1-2 ''Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.''

Now some of you ladies are great ''mothers'' out there today but we have to give it up to the woman described here in Revelation. She HAS to be the ''mother of all mothers.'' I mean, she's clothed with the sun, has the moon for a footstool, and a crown of twelve stars. She makes Lady Gaga's costumes look frumpy. God is definitely trying to communicate the significance and importance of this mother. Who is this mother? Most scholars believe this is a symbolic description of the nation of Israel. It was Israel's job to bring forth the Christ according to the flesh. This was a great honor and privilege and accounts for her glorious description. As Paul says of the people of Israel:

Rom. 9:5 ''From them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised!''

But on this mother's day let's just note the high esteem in which God holds mo ...

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