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by Tony Thomas

Scripture: ?James 4:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Resolving Conflict (2 of 4)
Series: Family 2.0 (It's Time for an Update)
Tony Thomas
James 4:1-2

Scott O'Grady is a former United States Air Force pilot. On June 2, 1995, he was shot down over Bosnia in Herzegovina and forced to eject into hostile territory. The United States Marines eventually rescued O'Grady after six harrowing days and nights of evading the Bosnian Serbs.

His ordeal began when two surface-to-air missiles were launched in his direction while on patrol. The first exploded harmlessly between two jets flying in formation. Captain Bob Wright saw the second missile strike O'Grady's jet and burst into flames, but he did not see O'Grady's parachute safely open.

O'Grady's jet crashed, he grabbed his survival gear from the wreckage, and he ran for cover! For six days he lay in a shallow grave that he dug himself, covered with debris. He practiced what the military calls ''SERE'' (survival, evasion, resistance, and escape). On the sixth night two Sea Stallions and twenty Marines rescued O'Grady.

Return With Honor is O'Grady's book that details his rescue. I won't spoil the story by revealing too many details, but I will tell you that if you read it, you won't be able to put it down. It's riveting! And, O'Grady is a practicing Christian, and he's gone all over the world in the last twenty-five years telling his story.

There's a part of his story that relates to today's topic of Resolving Conflict in the home. Every Air Force mission begins with lengthy discussions. The details for executing each mission are central, but the exit plan is equally important. That exit includes search and rescue procedures.

O'Grady writes this in his book:

''For some unexplained reason, my flight leader went into extensive detail on the search and rescue plan, taking twice as long as normal. 'Bury your parachute ... find your gear ... hide quickly ... alert by radio ... fix location ... communicate your coordinates.' These pre-arranged emergency plans ...

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