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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7
This content is part of a series.

The Spiritual Danger of Doctrine Without Devotion (2 of 8)
Series: Seven Challenges Facing Every Church
Drew Hunter
Revelation 2:1-7

This is one of the most unique parts of the Bible. The book of Revelation as a whole is, of course, unique. And in Revelation 2-3, Jesus gives direct messages to his churches. He gives seven messages to seven churches.

These were real, historical churches. With real Christians like you and me. And what Jesus says to each one applies particularly to each one of them. He knows what each church needs to hear from him.

But what Jesus said to each church is relevant to every church. Each of these seven messages ends with a call for all Christians to listen-in and apply it to their own lives. Each message ends with, ''he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.''

We don't find our church among these seven churches. There is not a letter addressed directly to Zionsville Fellowship here. But we are still addressed-Christians are those ''with ears to hear.'' Jesus is speaking, by the Spirit, to all the churches here.

And the overall point of these messages is to call churches to persevere in a non-Christian, and even hostile culture.

Jesus is calling his churches to rise up, stand firm, and keep going-even when their culture is challenging or hostile to them.

And the challenges that these churches faced back then are still relevant to us today.

Their culture was a pre-Christian culture; ours is a post-Christian culture. There are a lot of similarities. And Jesus gives us these messages so that we can persevere as well.

So, here's what our posture should be during the series: Let's each lean in and listen to Jesus, and respond wholeheartedly. Let's allow Jesus to commend us as individuals and as a church, and let's allow him to correct us and call us to repentance as well.

So, let's read this first letter-to the church at Ephesus.

[Read Rev. 2:1-7]

Jesus is addressing ...

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