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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22
This content is part of a series.

When Jesus Detests Your Christianity (8 of 8)
Series: Seven Challenges Facing Every Church
Drew Hunter
Revelation 3:14-22

[Read Rev 3.14-22]

This texts shows us that there is a kind of Christianity that Jesus detests.

There is a kind of life that some professing Christians live, toward which Jesus feels an inward revulsion.

And the other thing that this shows us is that many of them don't even know Jesus feels that way toward them. They don't have enough self-awareness to see their problem.

And this is a state of being that any Christian can slide into for a time. And so when we read this text, we all need to ask honestly, ''is this me? Is this us?''

Every one of these seven messages ends the same way: ''He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'' And what the Spirit is saying to the churches isn't a mystery. This isn't a call for us to sit quietly and listen in silence to the Spirit speaking; it's a call to hear these words in Revelation 3. What Jesus said to the Church in Laodicea is what the Spirit says to all his churches. And that means this is a message for us to hear.

Each of us, myself included, can open up to Jesus-with a posture of humility, ready to hear what he has to say.

Before we get to the heart of this text, let's remember where this fits with the context.

This is the seventh and final message to the churches in Revelation 2-3. And so this morning we're at the end of our series in these chapters. And each week, we saw that Jesus addresses a different challenge facing every church. All seven of these challenges are potential threats to any church.

1. The first challenge is having doctrine without devotion. The church at Ephesus was theologically faithful, but they lost their love. Christians are tempted to believe right doctrine in our heads, but then lose the warm devotion in our hearts. But both are essential.

2. The second challenge is not having courage in a hostile cult ...

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