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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-7
This content is part of a series.

How Second Timothy Relates to the Great Commission (1 of 10)
Series: Entrusted with the Gospel, for the Spread of the Gospel.
Drew Hunter
2 Timothy 1: 1-7

And as a way of introducing this book, I want to connect it to the great commission. Matthew ended with Jesus' words: ''go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.'' Jesus died and rose again so that all who trust him can be forgiven and walk in newness of life. And as we become disciples of Jesus, he then sends us out to make more disciples. We are to not only be disciples, but we are to make disciples.

Disciple-making isn't a program in the church; it sets the agenda for everything we do as a church. It's not for certain Christians in certain seasons of life; it's for all of us in all of life.

And now we come to 2 Timothy.

2 Timothy is a very unique letter. The apostle Paul is writing this letter to a young pastor named Timothy. Paul has given his life to fulfilling the great commission. He became a disciple of Jesus, and then he gave his life to making disciples of Jesus. God used him to spread the gospel across the Roman world, and it spread outward from there.

And he is writing this letter from prison, where he knows he is about to die. The book of Acts shows us Paul as an evangelist and church planter. His letters to churches show him as a pastor and theologian. And this letter to Timothy shows him as an affectionate friend and faithful to the end.

And even here, his heart beats for the sake of the gospel. His great desire, undergirding this letter, is people. That they might be saved. That those who do not know Christ would come to know him, and that those who do know him, would be strengthened in him.

In a sentence, the message of 2 Timothy is this: When we receive the gospel, we receive the sacred responsibility of being shaped by it and spreading it even while suffering for it.


We're going to look at the first 7 verses of ...

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