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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:8-18
This content is part of a series.

Unashamed Suffering for the Gospel (2 of 10)
Series: Entrusted with the Gospel, for the Spread of the Gospel.
Drew Hunter
2 Timothy 1: 8-18

[Read 2 Tim 1:8-18]

One thing is clear as we read this: For Paul and for Timothy, the Christian life involves two things: First, the expectation of suffering for being a Christian. And second, the temptation of being ashamed of being a Christian.

This letter is from one pastor to another. The Apostle Paul, who is writing this, understands the challenge of being faithful to, and unashamed of being faithful to, Jesus. He knows the temptation to be ashamed of the gospel and to avoid suffering for it.

And he is in prison, about to be executed for being a Christian, and he's writing to this younger pastor, Timothy. Timothy needs to know what it means to be faithful to Jesus when many people won't like him if he's faithful to Jesus. And when it invites suffering and rejection.

Here's why we need this today: Because Timothy's temptations then are our temptations today.

Many of you are aware of the changes that are happening in our culture today. And if the trajectories continue, the challenge of remaining faithful to Jesus and his word will become increasingly difficult. If you're a Christian, circumstances will come where you will be tempted to be ashamed of being identified with Jesus and the Bible.

We live in a country that has historically been friendly toward many biblical values. We've lived in a time when many Christian moral ideals were also the culture's moral ideals.

But this has been changing for decades now. And changes are happening very quickly right now.

And one result of the changes in our culture is this: Christians who take the Bible seriously will be viewed as basically strange, stuck in the past, and ethically backward.

Here's how Russell Moore, one Christian leader, recently put it: In the past, the American culture agreed with Christians on some central moral values, but ...

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