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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
This content is part of a series.

Finishing Well (8 of 10)
Series: Entrusted with the Gospel, for the Spread of the Gospel.
Drew Hunter
2 Timothy 4: 6-8

In this text, Paul uses this striking phrase, ''I have finished the race.'' His life is viewed like a race, and is now at the end of it. In other words, he views his life as though it had a distinct purpose. It was to be moving in a clear and focused direction. There was movement and progress throughout his life toward this goal.

An interesting thing happens when people become Christians. They may not even know it's happening at first. But over time, they learn that their lives are now like a journey, and there is a new path to follow. Paul thinks of himself as a runner here. And this is how Christians begin to view their lives.

Pilgrim's Progress

This is a view of the Christian life that we need to recapture today.

Maybe you've heard of the book, ''Pilgrim's Progress.''

It was written in the 1600s by John Bunyan. For a long time - nearly two centuries - it was the most read book in the world among Christians, second to the Bible.

The main character is Christian, and he is a pilgrim. He is on a journey to the heavenly city. It is a long and hard road, filled with trials and troubles. And then he finally reaches the shores of the river of death, and on the other side of that river is the heavenly city. It is where he was moving all along. The river of death is a scary place, and he must pass through it.

Here's the most basic point: the Christian life is a journey, and all Christians are pilgrims on this journey. And there is an end point.

If we understand this, it changes our lives. And this isn't something that we just understand in one moment. This is a reality we have to continually remember. Every day. Every day we are to wake up and remember that our lives have a new purpose, we are pilgrims, and we have the next steps in our journey to take.

Finishing Well

We are moving toward a finish line. And th ...

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