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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: 2 Timothy
This content is part of a series.

Unchanging Gospel Ministry in Challenging Times (10 of 10)
Series: Entrusted with the Gospel, for the Spread of the Gospel.
Drew Hunter
2 Timothy

Why This Message on the Whole Book?

We have spent this summer moving through the letter of 2 Timothy. And this morning will be our final message in this book.

In a couple weeks we'll begin a new series on mission in the book of Acts. More to come on that when we get there.

Now, if you were here last week, you may be thinking, ''I thought we ran out of verses last week.'' That's true. We've been moving through the book, paragraph by paragraph, and we finished the final section last Sunday.

One benefit of moving through a letter like this slowly is that we get to slow down and hear the details of what is being said.
?One way to make sure we don't get lost in the trees is to look at the forest as a whole. In other words, while we've moved through this book one section of trees at a time, there is value in looking at the whole forest at once.

This morning is the aerial view. We've walked through the forest, and now we get in a plane and look down on it from above.

Why Read the Whole Book Together?

And we are going to read this letter together in its entirety at the outset here. Here's why.

One reason: Because this is a letter, and letters are meant to be read as a whole, in one sitting.

But here is why this is important: The Bible did not drop out of heaven as a completed whole to us. This letter came from the apostle Paul, was written to Timothy, and was to be read by the church where Timothy was a pastor. It was about particular issues at a particular time. It is very much Paul's specific and unique word to Timothy. And only when we understand that will we rightly understand it as God's word to us as well.

And one of the best ways to get a sense of what this letter would have sounded like to those who first heard it read would be to read it aloud as they would have. So, this ...

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