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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 11, Exodus 12
This content is part of a series.

The Lamb and the Cure for Gospel Amnesia (5 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 11-12

[Read Exodus 11-12]

Gospel Amnesia

An author wrote on what she calls, ''gospel amnesia.'' Here is how she defines it: ''Gospel amnesia is a name for the state of a Christian life that is characterized by marginalization, suppression, or degradation of one's consciousness of the gospel.''

Here's what gospel amnesia looked like in her life: ''Gospel amnesia manifested itself in my life in a variety of ways. One which stands out to me is what I call Progression Mode. I truly believed I had progressed past (matured beyond) the gospel because I thought of the gospel as a simple proposition-Jesus died on the cross for your sins (i.e. justification)-and then we move on.''

''... [one] manifestation of gospel amnesia in my life was a heart full of scorn, criticism and derision for any Christian or church which did not believe what I believed, and practice all the secondary issues I had raised to primary importance.''

And here's how she found the answer: ''The cross work of Jesus Christ tethers you to the reality of who you are as a human being. At the foot of the cross, arrogance, anger, and angst melt away and our anthropocentric existence breaks down. The beauty at the heart of the gospel is the cross work of Jesus Christ. When the person of Christ, when Jesus, becomes a conscious presence in our life-and this happens as we meditate, dwell, and preach the gospel to ourselves every day-it staves off our tendency toward amnesia.''

This was a very real issue even in the first generation of the church.

Jesus had come, died, risen, and ascended to heaven as the living Lord. People came to know him. They formed churches. They grew. ...And many developed gospel amnesia.

- Peter wrote about this dynamic. He said that if someone is lacking the warm qualities of the fruit of the spirit, it is a gospel-forgetfulness problem. ''Whoever lack ...

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