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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 13:17, Exodus 14:31
This content is part of a series.

The Exodus Everyone Needs (6 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 13:17-14:31

[Read Exodus 13:17-14:31]

The event of the exodus brought Israel from one side of the sea to the other.

And they weren't just brought from slavery to freedom. They were also brought from fear to a new level of faith. The story has a plot line, and as any good plotline, it reaches a point of stasis at the end. A new setting. The place of a new beginning. And that new beginning is verse 31, ''Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the Lord, and the believed in the Lord.''

And this text exists to bring us to the same place. We are to be carried through this story this morning and come out the other side a bit more like this new setting: Fearing and trusting the Lord with gladness. And if this is to happen, it will be because we have been reminded again that we don't mainly need deliverances from all our little battles and troubles; we already have deliverance from our greatest battle and trouble through Christ. And this is what can give us stability in the midst of all other troubles.

This text answers four questions about Israel's exodus and the exodus that everyone needs.
1. From What Are We Saved? Slavery and Its Depths
2. How Are We Saved? By a Powerful Victory
3. Who Saves Us? God, Through His Mediator
4. Why Are We Saved? For the Praise of God's Glory


First, from what are we saved? We're saved from slavery and its depths.

?Israel is being liberated from slavery.

They lived in Egypt for 430 years, and it seems that they were slaves from very early on. And now they are coming out.

They just escaped from Egypt, but they're not finally free yet. They are like a prisoner who just made it over the wall. As he's running through the forest, he hears the alarms going off behind him. Then he hea ...

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