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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 17
This content is part of a series.

Rock of Ages, Struck for Me (8 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 17

Ed Clowney was a professor at Westminster Seminary for a number of years.

He walked through this story of the striking of the rock in his book, Unfolding Mystery. It is an excellent book about seeing how the whole Bible coheres as a story that points to Christ. And he said that this story is ''one of the most amazing incidents in Scripture'' (Unfolding Mystery, 124).

That's quite a statement. We have already seen quite a few amazing incidents in Scripture here in Exodus. The plagues on Egypt, the parting of the sea. And yet he says that this short little story about Moses striking the rock is ''one of the most amazing'' moments in the whole Bible.

And I've come to see that he is right. And when we understand what happened here, it has the power to change our whole outlook on life. It has the power to change our moments of grumbling discouragement to a settled contentment.

So, please turn with me to Exodus 17.

I regularly encourage you to bring you Bibles with you. And if you don't have one, to grab one from under a seat near you.

This morning that is particularly important. The significance of this story is seen when we stop to read this story slowly enough and carefully enough to see the details. It is in the details of the text that we will see why Clowney said what he did about this.

[Read Exodus 17]

There are two stories here. A story about water and a story about war. We'll spend most of our time in the first. We see that there is a charge, a judgment, and outcome.


First, the charge.

Israel has a problem.

They are on their way from Egypt to Mt. Sinai. And the are traveling through the desert. And they don't have any water.

I was just talking with someone yesterday about how difficult this must have been. We often take water for granted. We carry bottles with us and we are never too far a wa ...

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