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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 24
This content is part of a series.

Redemption's Goal: A Feast with God (12 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 24

[Exodus 24]

This text addresses the purpose of history and where everything is heading for God's people.

It addresses the reason for our existence and the deepest significance of being a Christian.

Our text this morning brings out the heart of what it means to be a Christian. It gives us a glimpse of what Jesus came to bring, and what we'll have forever.

In a sentence, this is what we see: Being a Christian is about wholehearted devotion to God, under his grace, enjoying his presence. This is the life that Jesus invites us into and that we are to enjoy now. This is our eternal future. And this is what Israel receives a taste of in Exodus 24. But it's just a taste... and it's a foretaste of what we enjoy as Christians now and more so in the coming age.


The book of Exodus has three movements, and we're at the end of the second.

The first movement is Israel coming out of Egypt. This is the first 18 chapters of Exodus. God rescues them by grace.

The second movement is with Israel at Mt. Sinai. This is Exodus 19-24. Israel receives God's law and enters into a covenant relationship with God.

The third movement will begin next Sunday, from chapter 25 to the end of the book. Here Israel receives instructions for building the tabernacle so that God can dwell with them.

So, the three sections can be summarized as: Deliverance, Covenant, and Dwelling. This morning, we're at the climax of the Covenant section.

There are four central moments in this story. The oath, the sacrifice, the meal, and the welcome.

I. THE OATH (24:1-3)

First, the oath. Israel is entering into a covenant with God.

A covenant is a relational bond between two people or groups. Here, it is a relational bond between God and Israel.

We see Israel's promise in verse 3, ''Moses came and told the people all the words of the L ...

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