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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 28, Exodus 29
This content is part of a series.

Israel's Priesthood and Humanity's Purpose (14 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 28-29

[Exodus 28-29]

When we think about life as a Christian, there are three orientations.

We are oriented upward, inward, and outward. Upward toward God, inward toward one another in the church, and outward toward the world in mission.

We are oriented toward God as we hear from him in the Bible and as we speak to him in prayer.
We are oriented inward in the church as we cultivate a culture of love and friendship and service.
And we are oriented outward in our vocations and work, and as we live as witnesses to Christ.

Three words we use here to describe these are worship, community, and mission. Worship is our upward orientation, community is our inward orientation, and mission is our outward orientation. Christians are called to lean into each of these more deeply and in all of life.

We'll get burnt out at this, or passively neglect it, if we don't know why we are called to this.

One of the ways the Bible helps us understand why we lean into these three aspects is with the image of priesthood. When we become Christians, we get a renewed identity as a priest. Every Christian is a priest. This is what we call, ''the priesthood of all believers.''

One of the things I hope to do this morning is convince you that this is true. But the primary thing I hope to do is help us see that it's not only true, but relevant.

Now, when we hear the word, ''priest,'' lots of things may come to mind. The word ''relevant'' probably isn't one of them. But embracing our identity as priests can actually be a source of motivation for your life... and for everything you do in life.

It actually tells us something of what it means to be human.

God is establishing Israel's priesthood in this text. And this has a deeply symbolic significance: He is giving them a picture of what humanity was created to be. And this is a picture of what J ...

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