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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 33, Exodus 34
This content is part of a series.

What God Is Really Like, and Why We Should Want Him (16 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 33-34

Here's a question: Is God - as presented and revealed in the Bible - worthy of our esteem and love?

If I was to ask each of you, and then poll our surrounding community and region, there would be different answers.

- For many of us the answer is obviously ''yes.'' And to even ask the question seems to assume that the answer isn't obvious, which feels strange to us. He seems so worthy of our affection that we feel uncomfortable asking the question.

- For others, though, the question has an obvious answer in the opposite direction. The God of the Bible is unworthy of affection. Especially the way some think the Old Testament presents God. Many people don't find him beautiful and good. This is why one author wrote a book titled, ''god is not great.'' He was referring to any and all gods of any and all religions. And the God of the Bible was certainly included in that.

This may be where you find yourself. Maybe you're with a friend, or a spouse, or maybe you've been around for a while. And if you're here, I assume you are probably at least open to hearing about Jesus. But you may have some questions about him, or about the Bible. Maybe he doesn't seem good to you. Or beautiful. Or true. And so you don't yet see him as worthy of your life and your love.

- And, if we're honest, there many of us say ''yes, he is worthy of our esteem.'' But there are still questions. From time to time, or in different seasons of life, we wonder about his goodness and beauty.

So the question we all need to ask is essentially this: Who is the God of the Bible, really?

Exodus 33-34 exists to answer that question.

Some have said that this text is the clearest and most extensive explanation in the Old Testament of who God is and what he is like.

This is God himself opening up a window into his heart to show us what he is really lik ...

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