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by Drew Hunter

Scripture: Exodus 35, Exodus 36, Exodus 37, Exodus 38, Exodus 39, Exodus 40
This content is part of a series.

Building the Tabernacle Then and Building the Church Today (17 of 17)
Series: Exodus: Delivered to Dwell
Drew Hunter
Exodus 35-40

You can turn with me to Exodus 35. We'll be reading Exodus 35 and 40 this morning.

[Exodus 35; 40]

There is a tendency that we all need to resist as we think about our church life.

It is the tendency to think that this is mainly about how other people can serve me, rather than how I can serve others.

It is the tendency to view the church like a store.
It is a tendency to be a consumer rather than a contributor.
It is a propensity to look for how the church can meet all of my preferences
... rather than look for where I can help meet the needs of others.

Now, whenever I hear anyone say something like I just said, I always want to qualify it.

Because this needs nuance. Because central to what it means to be a Christian is actually to be a receiver. We receive in two ways:

1. First, we receive from God. We all come here needy. We come here needing to be satisfied with Christ, needing to be strengthened by God's Spirit, and needing to be renewed in our faith, hope, and love.

Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life for us. He doesn't need our service. He came to give to us, not to receive from us.

2. Second, we also receive from others. As Christians, we serve one another. That's a picture of mutual service. We serve others and we receive from others. We are mutually dependent.

Here's what this has to do with the tabernacle.

As the tabernacle is built here. Everyone becomes a giver and a server to work on the tabernacle.

And as we see how this comes to fulfillment in Christ and the church, this gives us a great vision of what it looks like as workers in the new tabernacle, or temple, the church.

So, let's consider the significance of the tabernacle, the work of the tabernacle, and the gift of the tabernacle.

I. The Significance of ...

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