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by SermonSearch Staff

Scripture: Acts 16:1-5

[Mother's Day] - Timothy: A Heritage of Faith
SermonSearch Staff
Acts 16:1-5

Good morning! Please open your Bibles to Acts 16:1-5

< < R E A D > >
Acts 16:1-5 (ESV)

< < P R A Y > >


1. Today, on Mother's Day, I want to talk for a little while about Timothy, his faith, and where that faith came from. And of course, God is the one who brings us to life, and moves in us to have faith in him, but I want to talk about Timothy's upbringing, his family life. The story of Timothy's family life is far more common than I ever realized. More and more I encounter people with similar family situations that Timothy grew up in.

2. Even if you cannot relate perfectly to Timothy's family situation, I think we can all benefit from understanding his faith more, and the powerful faith that preceded his own.


1. So who was Timothy? Timothy was a third generation Christian, companion of Paul, and the overseer of the church in Ephesus. He accompanied Paul on his 2nd missionary journey and was a crucial part to Paul's inner circle. Paul calls him his fellow worker, his brother, his bond-servant, and his coequal in the Lord's work. Paul wrote 2 letters specifically to Timothy which are a part of the Bible we have today. Timothy is an important figure in the early church, so it stands to reason that it's good to know where he came from, specifically, who his family was. So in this passage we are told that he was the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, and an unbelieving father who was a Gentile. So right off the bat we notice several things:

2. One - Timothy's mom was a Jewish believer and his father was an unbelieving Gentile. Timothy had a mixed ethnic origin which undoubtedly acquainted him with both the Jewish culture as well as the Gentile culture. I can see where this would come in handy regarding the future God had planned for him.

3. Two - Timothy lived in a household whose parents were divided on their belief ...

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