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EPHESIANS 4: 26, 27
JESUS CHRIST, upon going into the Temple, found behavior
forbidden in Scripture. We tend to think what aroused His anger
was the buying and selling. It was in part. However, the neglect
of prayer and worship that it replaced was a primary factor
also. He turned over the tables of the money changers and drove
them out. Can you imagine Him doing this passively? Let me read
the account and you imagine what emotion might have been
involved: John 2: 14 - 17.
If this episode in the life of Christ had been recorded of any
other character in history, it would have been accepted as a
violent act of drama. As surely as the words from Calvary,
"Father forgive them" are from His blessed lips, so this act is
part of His life. In reality there is in Christ that which would
horrify the pacifist and humanitarian. He is our Physician, the
lover of our souls, and the Prince of Peace, but He also abhors
Can you picture Jesus as being angry? Well, He was and so should
you be -- at the right time and about the proper thing.
Don't tune out after this statement. The Bible not only teaches
us that God gets angry, it also encourages us to get angry. That
demands some Biblical interpretation. Without an understanding
on this statement, improper license to get angry might be taken.
The Scripture does not teach that God doesn't get angry. It
teaches He is slow to anger. Note:
Psalm 30:5 "His anger is but for a momen ...

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