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II KINGS 19: 19 - 37
JESUS CHRIST warned there would be "wars and rumors of war."
When a rumor becomes a reality, it is incumbent upon a society
that they engage in war as the lesser of two evils to prevent a
greater evil. It is a just war when it is a war to win the peace
or preserve freedom.
Skeptics scoffed at our reason for being in the Persian Gulf
region. Oil was an incidental. The curtailing of a potential
new Hitler inspired holocaust was the primary purpose. It was to
save lives. By God's grace, it worked.
He has on many occasions intervened on behalf of His people in
military conflicts to enable them to prevail. A rapid review of
a few such instances is worthy.
Sennacherib, King of Assyria with an imposing army, threatened
to annihilate Israel. His well-equipped and superbly trained
army posed an intimidating threat to God's people. The outcome
of the pending battle was very questionable.
Isaiah and others had prayed for God's guidance and blessings.
Through His prophet Isaiah, the Lord told the King of Israel,
Hezekiah, they would prevail. The reason is summed up in the
expression, "They were dismayed and confounded..." (II Kings
God has once again confounded and caused a great army to be
dismayed. Note the meaning of the words.

To "dismay" means to cause to quit and give up.
To "confound" means to throw into confusion or disorder; to put
to shame or bring to ruin.
Thank God for past presidents and military advisors who saw to
it that we had superior military hardware. We should ...

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