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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 13
This content is part of a series.

A Disastrous Decision (26 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 13

All right, if you have your Bibles with you now this evening, if you will, be finding your place at Genesis, chapter 13. If you're a guest tonight, we are in the series of studies through this beginning book of the Bible that we have entitled The Book of Beginnings, Creation, Fall, Flood, and Covenant. What we're doing is we're simply making our way through this first book in your Bible, and basically just verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and tonight we come to Genesis chapter 13.

Let me make this statement, and then we're going to just jump right into the message tonight. Anybody who has graduated from Vacation Bible School - they held me back three times, I need you to know that - but anybody who has graduated from Vacation Bible School knows that when you begin to look at Genesis 13, you're going to notice immediately, right off the bat, you're going to see that it is chock-full of information. As a matter of fact, the only reason anybody would not see it immediately is because so much of the delightful details, the ancient cultural references that are here in this chapter are hidden under about 4,000 years of Middle Eastern mud. That's why you might say that it's muddy.

Have you ever listened to some preacher preach, and when you walk out, you think to yourself, you maybe say to your wife; maybe you say this for me, I don't know, but you walk out and you're going, ''I just don't understand what he was trying to say. It just wasn't clear. It was a little muddy to me.'' Look right here, can I see hands? Or, it was a little deep. No, a lot of times it's not just deep, it's just muddy, all right?

That's what you find here in Genesis, chapter 13. It's a little bit muddy, and that's one of the reasons so many of us 21st century Western readers, when we come to these chapters like Genesis 13; we basically just skim the surface. We don't get deep under the s ...

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