by Nelson Price
Scripture: I JOHN 4:8, I JOHN 5:7, I TIMOTHY 3:16, I TIMOTHY 5:24-26, JOHN 19:34, JOHN 20:8, LUKE 22:44, MARK 15:43-45, MATTHEW 28:1-6, TITUS 2:13-14
MATTHEW 28: 1 - 6
JESUS CHRIST is alive, and well, and creatively at work in the
lives of His people.
He who was miraculously conceived in a virgin's womb was
astonishingly resurrected from a Palestinian tomb. He Who lived
and died is alive. The fact He is alive attests to His victory
over our greatest and last enemy -- death. Because He is alive,
that means we shall never die. That is, we are eternal. We shall
never cease to be. Y O U are immortal!
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an open invitation to you to
take the most significant step of faith reason has ever allowed.
One of Thorton Wilder's characters in the drama, "Our Town,"
"I don't care what they say with their mouths -- everybody knows
that something is eternal. And it ain't houses and it ain't
names, and it ain't earth, and it ain't even stars...everybody
knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that
something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people
who ever lived have been telling us that for five thousand years
and yet you'd be surprised how people are always losing hold on
it. There's something way down deep that's eternal about every
human being."
The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is a living drama
verifying our immortality. There is life after life.
Where your extended life, that is your eternal life, is spent is
inseparably tied to Jesus Christ.
Consider - - -
I. W H O H E W A S
Let's let those who knew Him best tell us who He was.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Pau ...
MATTHEW 28: 1 - 6
JESUS CHRIST is alive, and well, and creatively at work in the
lives of His people.
He who was miraculously conceived in a virgin's womb was
astonishingly resurrected from a Palestinian tomb. He Who lived
and died is alive. The fact He is alive attests to His victory
over our greatest and last enemy -- death. Because He is alive,
that means we shall never die. That is, we are eternal. We shall
never cease to be. Y O U are immortal!
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an open invitation to you to
take the most significant step of faith reason has ever allowed.
One of Thorton Wilder's characters in the drama, "Our Town,"
"I don't care what they say with their mouths -- everybody knows
that something is eternal. And it ain't houses and it ain't
names, and it ain't earth, and it ain't even stars...everybody
knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that
something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people
who ever lived have been telling us that for five thousand years
and yet you'd be surprised how people are always losing hold on
it. There's something way down deep that's eternal about every
human being."
The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is a living drama
verifying our immortality. There is life after life.
Where your extended life, that is your eternal life, is spent is
inseparably tied to Jesus Christ.
Consider - - -
I. W H O H E W A S
Let's let those who knew Him best tell us who He was.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Pau ...
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