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by Nelson Price

Scripture: II CORINTHIANS 5:21



JESUS CHRIST hung on the Cross of Calvary. This was God in
flesh and blood caught in the eye of a hurricane of hate.
Spit and blood were caked on his cheeks and his lips were
parched and swollen. Thorns ripped his scalp. His lungs, as
though on fire, screamed in pain. His arms and legs were
tributaries of torment. Tense nerves quivered in the heat of
the day as though it were a frigid winter's day. He is ready to
die, but death isn't ready for Him.
Jesus Christ, His hour now having come, is offering Himself as a
sacrifice for our sins. A hellish darkness engulfs the earth
and mid-day becomes as mid-night. The Lamb of God is being
sacrificed to take away the sins of the world.
The earth quakes, rocks split, and the creation groans as in
agony over the death of the Creator.
The God/man, Jesus Christ, born without any old sin nature and
having lived without any personal sin, is dying for your sin.
The angels wept and the demons laughed.
Silhouetted there on three crosses are three persons dying.
One is dying IN sin. It is the thief who mocked and rjected
Christ while on the cross.
On the other side is one dying TO sin. He repentantly appeals
to Christ: "Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom."
On the center cross is One dying FOR sin.
Our loving Lord extended Himself on Calvary's fatal tree forus.
What a despicable deathbed for the Lord of Life.
A crimson stream flows from His wounded side. As on the evening
of their exodus from bondage the ancient Israelites placed the
blood of a lamb on their doorposts assuring the death angel
woul ...

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