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II SAMUEL 18: 24 - 33

JESUS CHRIST quoted the commandment given Moses by God: "Honor
your father and your mother..." He did it not once, but several
times. He personally practiced what He preached.
Annually America hesitates to make passing note of fathers. The
diminishing role of fathers in our society is a tragic reality.
Many young men have cowardly failed to accept their biological
responsibility for the birth of their own. In rushing to assert
their manliness sexually, they have failed to flex the muscle of
responsibility and in a manly manner accept the responsibility
of what consequences from their sexual prowess.
Others have acted in the role of husband but forfeited their
role as dad. Many abandon their household. Others live there and
though they preserve the framework of a family, they fail to
function in their responsible role. They cop out and do not
faithfully fulfill the blessed office of dad.
Then there are those who are most fortunate. They delight to
dedicate themselves to the Lord to function and fulfill their
office as a husband and dad. Of all men these are most
fortunate. Their children are among the most blessed. If you
have a Godly dad, thank God. He may split infinitives and dangle
participles, he may even eat peas with a knife, but if he is a
Godly dad praise the Lord for him and pray for him.
A college professor recently conducted a survey among children
ages four to six and asked: "Which to you like better: TV or
Forty-six percent said they preferred TV.
Fifty-four percent ...

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