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Matthew 5: 3

JESUS CHRIST had the capacity of distilling an ocean of fact
into a drop of truth. He revolutionized the world's ideals. He
inverted His society's concepts. He who was sharing these
truths was the living embodiment of them.
We who are so encouched in a modernistic and humanistic society
need to realign our very thought patterns and associated
lifestyles according to His teaching if we desire what He
promised--HAPPINESS, if you will hourly conform your life to
this teaching Christ will give you power and peace over all and
in all circumstances.
Moses, on a mountain some years before, accompanied by lightning
and thunder left humankind under a terrifying condemnation. Now
Jesus Christ on a mountainside speaks from one of the most
effective natural altars on earth so all can hear truths that
I. P R O M I S E
"Blessed" - "Congratulations" "Joyous" "Fulfilled" Well-being"
is the person in whose heart God dwells.
This kind of happiness differs in the kind from ours by
definition. Our's is dependent on happenstance, that is,
conditions and circumstances. The happiness of which Christ
spoke is independent of circumstances. It is not chance or
luck, it is not a proposed gambler's paradise.
We have a tendency to define happiness so as to put it out of
our reach: "If I had the money..." "If I lived there..." "If
I just had one of those..." OR experiences: "If my team
wins..." "If only he would call..." "If she remembers my
birthday..." Jesus sa ...

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