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by Tony Thomas

Scripture: 1 John 1:5, 1 John 2:6
This content is part of a series.

When You Sin (2 of 7)
Series: Authentic Christianity (1 John)
Tony Thomas
1 John 1:5 - 2:6

I want to talk today about a doctrine that we'd rather ignore, and that's the sinfulness of man. The Bible teaches that, ''All have sinned'' (Romans 3:23), and that, ''... the wages of sin is death'' (Romans 6:23). Ever since Adam's fall, we've been separated from God.

But in today's word, sin sounds so judgmental! Determining right from wrong in our politically correct world is considered an attack against someone's self-esteem. In the interest of attracting larger crowds, seeker-friendly churches have shied away from moral absolutes.

I believe that our attempts to minimize sin have done more harm than good. Deep down, we know that a value-free society leaves us with a society living without values. And while self-esteem has been emphasized, narcissism and egotism have flooded our culture to excess.

Bruce Narramore wrote an excellent book in the 70s titled, No Condemnation. Even though Narramore has a PhD, his book is written for the common man. And, it includes a couple of stories I'd like to relate.

Consider Jim. Jim grew up in a conservative home in Nebraska. He attended college on an athletic scholarship but he joined a fraternity and got into the wrong crowd. In spite of his upbringing, it wasn't long before he was doing all the things his home church frowned upon, and he felt guilty.

Jack was a Christian businessman who was a self-avowed ''family man.'' He taught Sunday School, sang in the church choir, and he was active in a small group. But on an out-of-town business trip he met a divorced woman and one thing led to another. That one-night-stand ate away at his conscience. He'd not only hurt his wife, he jeopardized every important relationship in his life.

Jim and Jack faced similar questions: How can I go home and face my family? Will I ever feel better when I go to church? Should I continue to serve, or should I step aside? Can I ever tak ...

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