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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: Judges 13:6-7, Judges 13:9-14, Judges 13
This content is part of a series.

A Woman's Word (14 of 52)
Series: Discipleship Part Three
Christopher B. Harbin
Judges 13:6-14

We all have our hangups and prejudices. They help us order and make sense of the world around us. They also create problems for us. Too often we rely on them so heavily it makes it impossible for us to respond to realities that do not fit the molds we have created for life. When it comes to God, we often want to keep a box around our concepts of God to the exclusion of allowing God to be greater than our notions. Can we break out of our prejudices to respond to the freedom God has to move beyond the limitations of our social, cultural, and personal norms of thought and action?

Manoah was upset. He was feeling out of sorts that his wife had been visited by Yahweh's messenger and left him out of the conversation. That was not the way the world was supposed to work. Men were the decision makers. Men were the ones who had authority to make things happen, to structure the life of society, to be respected as elders, and act as priests on behalf of Yahweh. Women were supposed to know their place. He was the man of the house and all decisions in regard to his household were supposed to be under his direction, supervision, and authority. Then Manoah's wife had come reporting a conversation with one of Yahweh's messengers, and he did not know quite how to respond.

It was unacceptable for a man to speak to a woman who was not his wife. A woman was property. A woman had to be protected from outsiders. A woman was not granted a voice equal to a man's in court. A woman's witness was unreliable. A woman's place was taking orders from the men in her life, not assuming the role of spokesperson between Yahweh's messenger and her husband!

When his wife came bearing a message from Yahweh about a son they had yet to conceive, he was beside himself. Who was his wife that she should be the recipient of such a message? Why had Yahweh overlooked him and delivered this good news t ...

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